Hello, and welcome to the Sify.com Podcast. Today we discuss Toxic management and the possible alternatives to do-away with it.
Panelists: Anjali Gupta, Marketing Head – Sify Technologies (New Delhi), Smita Katragadda, Senior Director – Client Relations, Infosys (Frankfurt), Uma Iyer – Author of Toxic Management: Is Musk’s Leadership style practical? (Edinburgh) and Felista Awuor Gor (Sify.com author from Kenya).
We ask the all-women panel the BIG question…are women contributing to the toxicity?
Production crew:
Bhagya Ayyavoo (Host), Shanmugam Revathan, Shweta Ajay, Karthikeyan Velu, Praveena Moorthi, Arun Suraneni, Sindhupriya K, Prathmesh Kher, Sudhakar Mani
Special Thanks to:
George Koshi
Arun Rajamani
Hemant Pundeer

P.S: Felista, I owe you an apology. When I accessed the video file for screengrabs to make a collage early this morning (Jan 19, 2022), that’s when I realized that you had returned towards the end, I should have come back to you for the closing thoughts. It took us all by surprise when we sat down for the edit, the audio quality was really good. And you spoke so well. I was kicking myself for not coming to you for more reactions. Had I known, we would have used you more. You made a big difference to this podcast.
Do leave your feedback below in the Comments Box or write to us at editorial@sifycorp.com.
In case you missed:
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Haha, look at both of you, all grown up, somehow I cannot conjure up a mental image of Smita and you in such a serious adult conversation, in my head both of you are still 21 years old!
Just heard the podcast and you should do it regularly. The topic is the need of the hour and it has come out well.
Keep at it. Cheers.
I have heard the podcast and yet to complete it, so far the content and your hosting is so good. Sorry to hear that you have been forced to do it, yet I feel you are so natural in hosting.
Yes Dinesh, it’s around the 35-minute mark, a bit too long for a podcast. In fact, the boss suggested we should break it up into two parts. The original vision was to have a male host for this high-profile all-women panel, felt that would have been more impactful. Glad you liked it so far. I was just a namesake host, the panelists carried the podcast through. Do listen to the rest of it. Thanks for tuning in.
Hi bhagya akka…. I heard it. This podcast was very interesting and good one. And that topic toxic leadership at work place is very nice to hear and such a good one. Keep going on to talk about like this.
Thanks, Elaks for tuning in and joining the conversation.
I understand and there’s no need for an apology.
I had a great time myself and thanks for the opportunity to participate in the podcast.
Nice discussion. I heard it completely. It is good.
Thank you, Mr. Shivashankar!
I liked it.
That was an interesting podcast, I see you rallied most of your friends into it. I remember Uma was your tennis partner, if I am not mistaken. It was good to hear from Smita after a very long time. She sounds very much like a matured and talented leader.
Everyone is my friend, aren’t you?
To be accurate, Uma and I were more tennis ‘opponents’ than ‘partners’ back then, always on opposite sides of the net, same as this podcast 😉 She’s LTA stuff now!
Very interesting and thought provoking! You should do more of these podcasts