People spend a significant amount of time on social media, with Indians spending an average of 141.6 minutes per day.
‘In 2022, the average daily time spent on social media declined globally leading to a drop in organic reach for brands and creators.’ – read the article.
It’s quite simple really, the use of social media is directly proportional to the internet users. The users are finite, so in fact the penetration will also be similar isn’t it? From the time the social media applications exploded, there has been a massive share of the applications used by different demographics for various purposes.

Among the various age groups, children and toddlers are the heaviest users of applications like YouTube, despite the controversy surrounding such usage. On the other hand, young adults are captivated by Snapchat and other social media platforms, while older generations are hooked on WhatsApp and its unverified forwarded messages. However, the penetration is not stagnating just yet if the reports are to be believed.
On the other hand, Venture capitalists’ investment in online communities decreases due to decreasing ad revenue potential and cultural preferences in developing countries like China and India. Most new applications struggle to gain significant revenue and penetration.
- Teenagers and young adults primarily utilize gaming platforms and social media applications, notably SnapChat.
- Middle-aged individuals predominantly use messaging and communication applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, as well as payment and banking applications. Entertainment like Netflix and networking applications are also popular among this age group.

Mobile app usage varies by demographic. Understanding these trends helps businesses tailor apps to meet specific needs and preferences, enhancing user experience, increasing engagement, and driving growth.

But, what are the numbers saying?
Contrary to the increasing ad reach trend, Facebook’s global ad reach experienced a 5% decline between October 2023 and January 2024. This apparent decline is attributed to Meta’s annual removal of accounts violating its terms. The year-on-year increase of 10.5% is more representative, as Facebook’s global ad audience grew by 209 million users in the past year.
Moreover,’s analysis indicates a consistent increase in the time users spend on Facebook’s app.
‘Users of the platform’s Android app spent an average of 19 hours and 47 minutes per month using the app between July and September 2023, which was up by 6 percent compared with the same period the year before.
And just for perspective, Facebook ranks third in terms of average time per user – behind TikTok and YouTube, but ahead of WhatsApp and Instagram’

The verdict?
During themed holidays, advertisements tend to surge. However, increased exposure doesn’t always translate into higher sales. Initial utilization might rise, but monetization often declines over time. To gain a competitive edge on costs, inbuilt aggregation could be a solution. Additionally, AI can be leveraged to generate targeted sales. The average person spends about 145 minutes on social media every day. People spend a significant amount of time on social media, with Indians spending an average of 141.6 minutes per day. Over a lifetime, this equates to 5.7 years spent on social media platforms. Despite the current situation, social media is not in decline, as there are still more years to come, implying that there is room for growth and potential in the future.