Dinesh Elumalai reviews one the most acclaimed and recognizable of mobile games from the dawn of the cell phone revolution.
Over the past ten years, the genre of mobile games has matured both artistically and financially, with the barriers separating these games from the traditional gaming market gradually dissolving.
It became more difficult to distinguish between console games and smartphones as they both grew more reliant on digital distribution and became more commonplace.

Today, we are more cautious when selecting a new smartphone to buy to update it or change it soon to receive more updates for the current version but let us look back a few decades.
Parents, who wanted to buy a mobile just for communication purposes, had no choice to leave us behind to shop. We accompanied them to buy the phone of our choice based on one major parameter, which is what are the pre-loaded games available in the mobile we’re going to buy.

The shops primarily promote mobile devices from various brands, including Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Panasonic, and a few others, but everyone’s mind will gravitate toward the one that “connects people.” You heard that right, Nokia was one user-friendly cell phone in those times.
The most popular mobile game choices are based on classics like Snake, Bounce, Space Impact, Pocket Carrom, Cricket, Sudoku, etc. Any combination of these games has a significant influence on the choice of the buyer’s children, not the choice of the buyer.

Thanks for your patience, we will get to the subject of the game that was created in the early 2000s but was loved and celebrated by most kids born in the 1990s. I can hear you saying that this article is about something other than what is implied in the title. Your energy level will always soar thanks to the game’s audio.

“Bounce” The first device to include the game was the Nokia 9210 Communicator (Series 80) from 2000 (released in 2001), which used the 2D game platform J2ME. It was also pre-installed on inexpensive (Series 40) phones like the Nokia 2600 and Nokia 6610 through updated versions (2004). There were 11 levels in the whole game.
As of this writing, Bounce is compatible with the following Nokia phones: 3100, 3108, 3200, 3330, 5100, 6100, 6108, 6200, 6225, 6220, 6230, 6585, 6610, 6650, 6800, 6810, 6820, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7600. I leave you to comment if I have missed any models which you have used to play this ultimate game.
The Game Play

Your goal is to move the red rounded ball, which can be blown or shrunk to fit the level’s requirements, into the designated spot by touching the nearby superpower poles, collect all the rings in each level, open the exit gate so you can move on to the next level, and repeat this process 11 times to win the game. It is easy to say now that the game is a piece of cake, but it can be challenging for players during those times without getting popped. A 2D game where the ball must float when it is expanded and submerged into it; when it is contracted has a background of red blocks acting as walls. Between the red blocks, there are a few blue blocks as roads, that can be used as trampolines to give the ball a boost so it can bounce much higher than usual.
How to play
To continue playing the game, you must avoid enemies that are moving as well as stationary objects by moving the red ball forward, backward, and over obstacles using only your keypad and that is it! Simply 3 keys to remember while playing this game. Even Snake game had more control buttons. You must also collect the rings placed in each stage of the game.
The players’ enemies are static yellow objects they refer to as “candles” and spiky blue moving things they refer to as “spiders.” Losing a life by touching an enemy will result in two breaking sounds: one from the game’s ball popping and another from your heart as you lose a life and must restart the game.

The game starts off with three lives and the quantity of rings that must be gathered to get the gate opened and move on to the next level. As previously stated, there are obstacles that can cause you to stop playing, but there are also superpowers that can advance you to the next level.
The Rings are the keys to the next level, These are the most important items in the whole game. You must collect rings to advance to the next level, which is the game’s objective. Each level has a specific number of rings for you to collect, and there are exactly that many rings in each level.
You only begin each level with three lives, you could get extra life by acquiring crystal ball. If you can keep all your remaining lives -up to a maximum of five- you will still earn points that gives you the bragging rights on the leaderboard with a high score. You receive an extra 1000 points for each crystal ball.

If you pop the ball, the game will restart from the beginning unless you collect the diamond locker known as checkpoints, where the game saves your journey in the game. After this wherever you lose lives the game restarts from this point and this checkpoint not only lets you start in the middle but also with 500 points.

There will be a tiny green pole with an orange head, which is known as an inflator. This will assist in blowing up the tiny red ball; a shrunken ball will leave you at the bottom of the water. The route wants you to travel to the top of the water; however, there are some levels where you must travel below the surface of the water. If the ball is fully inflated at this point, the inverted wine glasses that have been joined together, known as deflator, will reduce the ball size so that you must travel below the surface of the water.
Once the ball touches the Floater which is like an inverted tripod stand while you are playing in float mode, your jump action will reverse. This is due to the superpower of floating, which works in both water and air. When the ball is in deflated size, the floating power will not function, and it can only be used for a limited period of 15 seconds.

(Image Credit: Chris Moyles)
After all these obstacles and superpowers ensure you have collected all the rings to enter the exit teleport. Exit Teleports are the silver doors that can only be unlocked upon collecting all the rings in a single level. Additionally, they are the only means of level advancement.
There was a time when magazines, TV shows, and websites were devoted to disseminating these commands, codes, and strategies that would alter the way you played your favorite games. Today, cheat codes may not be as prevalent in video games as they once were.
The problem with cheat codes is that they rarely just focus on the “cheat.” While gaining invincibility, discovering new items, or even just skipping a few levels can be enjoyable, what sets the best cheat codes apart is how essential they become to the gameplay.
These are the following four cheat codes for your reference. These codes can be activated only while you are on the gameplay. Once you have pressed the specified keys you will hear the sound, once the sound is heard the cheat is activated.
- To keep on flying throughout the game you must press the following keys 787899 and press “#”.
- To keep yourself invincible throughout the game you must press the following keys 787898.
- To select the level while playing press the following keys 787899 and press 1 for next level and press 3 for previous level.
- You must adhere to the following steps to maintain your position on the leaderboard forever. Press 787899 followed by 5 to finish the level and earn 500 points. You can continue to earn points in this manner and reach the highest score. To return to level 1 and start over with the high score at level 11, press 3.
You are in luck if you are feeling nostalgic about your favorite mobile game from the 1990s and 2000s! In recent years, there has been a retro trend that has led to the remastered versions of many 1990s classic games making a comeback on platforms for Android and iOS. Search the Play Store or Apple App Store to travel back in time and get the sensation.
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