Author: Satyen K Bordoloi

Satyen is an award-winning scriptwriter, journalist based in Mumbai. He loves to let his pen roam the intersection of artificial intelligence, consciousness, and quantum mechanics. His written words have appeared in many Indian and foreign publications.

We rarely think of what ‘information’ is, but it is the single most important factor shaping our lives, writes Satyen K. Bordoloi… In the 1997 film Nothing To Lose, Tim Robbins sees his wife intimate with his boss. At the edge of a breakdown when a carjacker gets into his car, he does not respond to his threats. After a mad journey that risks his life, the film ends with him realizing his wife was not having an affair after all. Though a comedy, the film highlights something crucial: the power information – in this case misinformation – has to…

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Though ChatGPT can churn out great text in seconds, when it comes to self description, this cutting-edge technology seems to struggle finds out Satyen K. Bordoloi Ever since OpenAI released ChatGPT on November 30 last year, the world has been unable to shut up about it. I used it and realised the hype is correct. And so are the fears. ChatGPT will upend the frontiers of human creativity as it exists today. However, I do not buy into the fact that all will end. Instead, with the help of AI systems like ChatGPT, human creativity will reach newer heights never…

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Chinese researchers claim to have figured out an algorithm that can use existing quantum computers to decrypt classical encryption heralding the age of quantum hacking writes Satyen K. Bordoloi. Is anything digital safe anymore? Your debit card pin has four numbers. There are ten thousand combinations any four numbers can make. Any system that wanted to crack your pin would take a decent amount of time to figure it out. But using quantum methods, this can be done exponentially faster. That is because in 2019 Google researchers calculated that its quantum computer was 158 million times faster than a supercomputer.…

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Artificial Intelligence may have come a long way but many Indian businesses still resist it writes Satyen K. Bordoloi explaining why they should go the other way 25 years ago – On Jan 1, 1998, companies in India were just beginning to use computers. The Internet had been available for just under two and a half years. Yet, forget the internet, most companies resisted computers. What’s the use, they asked, business has been happening without PCs just fine. They held out till they were forced to realise the obvious: using computers and the internet was not a choice, but a…

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The scientific developments brought forth by human endeavour in 2022 will make us a truly spacefaring civilization states Satyen K. Bordoloi Statistical probability says that with millions of stars and hundreds of millions of planets, life must surely exist elsewhere in the universe. The thing about statistics is they can lie in plain sight. Even if there is life elsewhere, what if it is still rudimentary? More terrifyingly, as some scientists have argued, considering the relatively young age of the universe, what if we are the first of the intelligent lifeforms in it? If we are alone, or the first…

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You can now buy a quantum computer, Satyen K. Bordoloi explains its significance The year 2022 has witnessed many momentous moments: multiple moon missions, fusion power, JWST’s new but ancient galaxies, ChatGPT, quantum leaps in quantum computing etc. Yet, what 2022 might one day end up being largely remembered for, is as the year when the first affordable retail quantum computer went on sale. Shenzhen SpinQ Technology Co., Ltd. has come out with three models – Gemini, Gemini Mini and Triangulum that are ‘portable’ quantum computer models anyone can buy. While the first two are “2 qubits desktop NMR quantum…

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The 2-billion-year-old genome of life on Earth could be contaminated beyond redemption writes Satyen K. Bordoloi Radioactivity-measuring Geiger counters have a unique requirement. Its iron must come from steel produced before 1945. Nuclear tests have contaminated all of the planet’s air so much that the steel produced since is not sensitive enough to detect radiation accurately. Where do humans find this ‘low-background steel’ for Geiger counters? Ships that sank before 1945. The 2020s – much like 1945 – will be a cut-off decade for the purity of the human genome. As we go deeper into the future, we will not…

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An Artificial Intelligence system refusing to cheat in a game where cheating was one of the rules is a huge deal, says Satyen K. Bordoloi Most films about Artificial Intelligence show one major drawback of AI: it cannot lie and cheat unless explicitly programmed. It would seem that being able to lie and manipulate is the cornerstone of what differentiates humans and AI which means AI can never be good at politics or diplomacy. Surprisingly, a new system has done just that – beat humans in politics and diplomacy, but not in the way we expected. What it has done,…

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The biggest hurdle to being a space-faring civilization is the very first – beating gravity, writes Satyen K. Bordoloi as he outlines some of the strangest ways to reach escape velocity In almost every sci-fi film, ships cross in and out of earth’s atmosphere with ease. In reality, achieving escape velocity has proven a hard problem. Earth’s surface is so deep in a gravity well that the escape velocity required to get out of it is 11.2 kilometers/second. So far, we have done that by using huge rockets. But they are expensive, mostly not reusable, ineffective, unreliable, explosive, dangerous, and…

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The participation of private players in India’s recent successes in the space program could transform humanity’s eternal exploration, writes Satyen K. Bordoloi In the sci-fi novels of The Expanse series, humans – thanks to fusion drive engines – have colonized the solar system a few hundred years from now. Millions live on different moons of the planets and in an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Humans mine asteroids for ice, minerals and metals. In real life, the conquering of this ‘expanse’ began in earnest this year with 6 different moon missions and NASA claiming just days ago that by…

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