Author: Malavika Madgula

Malavika Madgula is a writer and coffee lover from Mumbai, India, with a post-graduate degree in finance and an interest in the world. She can usually be found reading dystopian fiction cover to cover. Currently, she works as a travel content writer and hopes to write her own dystopian novel one day.
Blockchain will add transparency to the AI system, enabling real-time decisions and ensuring timely planning for a better strategy. Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how we consume and create data and information – but for both better and worse. AI is also now being used to create fake content, which begs the question of how we can trust what we hear, see, and consume on the Internet. Could we possibly leverage existing technologies to address this lack of trust? Interestingly, this is turning organisations into a technology that was once hailed as transformative but couldn’t catch on in business. Image…
The gaps or weaknesses in cloud computing environments allow hackers to exploit and disrupt services and steal data by gaining unauthorised access. It’s a given now that if there’s anyone who’s somebody in the internet infrastructure arena isn’t moving to the cloud, then they’re falling behind. Thus, cloud security has been featured on important trend lists for the last few years, showing no signs of abating. In fact, CrowdStrike’s 2023 Global Threat Report identified the “continued rise of cloud exploitation” as one of the major themes. Even Palo Alto Networks listed several cloud security blind spots to watch out for.…
With technological disruption, including advances in technology, automation, cloud, and AI, showing no signs of slowing down, digital transformation only continues to grow by leaps and bounds. The term ‘digital transformation’ has been everywhere in the last few years. Basically, it’s integrating digital technology into every arena of a business, thus fundamentally transforming how it operates and delivers value to its customers. At its core, it’s also a cultural shift that requires companies to continually challenge the status quo, experimenting and getting comfortable with failure. With technological disruption, including advances in technology, automation, cloud, and AI, showing no signs of…
With AI already making inroads in industry, education, and health worldwide, AI-driven technologies now offer previously unheard-of capabilities. It’s no surprise that climate change is a global emergency that is challenging everyone from industry experts to scientists and engineers. With a wide array of disciplines, skills, and knowledge being put to use in combating it, it’s no surprise that Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the solutions – or at least, making solutions possible. With it already making inroads in industry, education, and health worldwide, AI-driven technologies now offer previously unheard-of capabilities. So, in what ways can this…
Technology is constantly evolving, and while some are wonderful and weird, some have thoroughly changed people’s lives. Technology is present in almost every sphere of our lives, from socialization and food to safety and transportation. Not only has it made information more accessible, but it’s also made learning more convenient and inclusive. Technology is constantly evolving, and while some are wonderful and weird, some have thoroughly changed people’s lives. We’ve been on the lookout for some of the most exciting and life-changing technologies from around the world. And the tech examples we’ve found only scratch the surface of just how…
Refine your prompts using the techniques we have outlined above and it will go a long way in helping AI do its job better. Generative AI chatbots might be helping transform the business landscape, but they aren’t without their problems. One of their most significant issues is that when they’re asked a question, they present inaccurate or plain made-up information as if it’s correct – and the results are amusing, to say the least. For instance, when someone asked ChatGPT a ridiculous question about when the Golden Gate Bridge was transported across Egypt, it spouted an entirely unbelievable date of…
Which are the craziest and weirdest places in the world you’ll find data centres? Whenever you like someone’s Instagram post or search for recipes, a lot goes on behind the scenes, with thousands of powerful computers retrieving and updating the information on the screen. Since every little thing we do online creates data that needs to be stored somewhere, the demand for data centres is ever-increasing. As unimaginative as they look – think windowless, football field-sized buildings – data centres have become a mainstay of the internet era. Besides space, data centres also use vast amounts of energy, which results…
With identity now at the forefront of cloud security, here are some of the best cloud IAM practices to follow. As organizations continue to evolve, many are looking at multi-cloud as the answer for consuming cloud services across different cloud providers’ technologies. The idea is to decrease vendor lock-in risks and benefit from using various pricing models. However, this model adds complexity to cloud identity and access management (IAM). Image Credit: The more an organization uses cloud services, the more various identities are associated with these cloud service provider environments. This becomes a problem for monitoring, tracking, and controlling…
While an AI avatar could be a great way to memorialize someone, it could also prevent people from completing the grieving process. Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way, as have the industries that make money off death, as grisly as it sounds. And technopreneurs have managed to make space for themselves by blending the two in the form of grief tech and ghostbots. It’s officially the end of mourning as we know it. For as long as humans have been around, we’ve fought against the inevitability of death. AI is finally intersecting with the highest and deepest human…