Author: Gautham T

Meet Gautham, a tech product manager by profession and a tech writer by passion. With a knack for blending technical expertise with creative storytelling, Gautham crafts compelling articles that delve into the latest tech trends. From dissecting complex concepts to offering practical insights, he bridges the gap between technology and understanding, keeping readers informed and inspired along the way.

Ngrok vs. Localtunnel IOT

Learning the power of Ngrok and Localtunnel will help you decide which platform to settle on when beginning your development path. After spending several hours working on a website or application, you discover that it can only be accessed on your computer. Yes, it is frustrating. Here’s the good news: You do not have to be a tech genius to share your local projects. Think of a hidden tunnel that allows anyone to access your project in an instant-that’s the magic of development tunnelling tools such as Ngrok and Localtunnel. Intrigued? Explore the next few paragraphs to learn how to…

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The idea of Project Astra is to combine the current visual world and your verbal commands so that you can use the system easily and conveniently. Have you ever been late when you encountered yourself in a desperate search for your keys and felt that your brain could not store everything you needed to remember? We’ve all been there. However, can you imagine a case in which the technology is developed to provide understanding and practical help to address the predicaments? Imagine you are asking your AI assistant about the missing keys, instead of just responding to your questions it…

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Blackbox AI has made programming accessible to everyone, not just the technologically savvy. The little silly cursor blinked silently from the screen. It’d been line after line of code, carefully woven, a bit like the way origami is done digitally. However, soon you find yourself at an impasse. The next essential step, the missing thing that would unencumber the complete capacity of this application, persisted in being consistently evasive. While once seemingly logical, languages like Python and Java now resemble an indecipherable puzzle. Frustration gnawed at you. Hours of progress are regarded to be on the threshold of being abandoned.…

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The Blackwell chip is not only a technological breakthrough but a tool of transformation. Remember Moore’s law? The law that made us believe, “when transistors get smaller in size, innovation occurs at a constant pace”. Yes, it’s accurate, but Nvidia will change the game by releasing the newest and most potent chip. It’s not something about advancing AI technologies; it is about changing the perspective of thinking about AI from fiction to a reality that is going to enhance people’s lives. Now think of a future in which AI isn’t just limited to chatbots and answering questions. It can analyse…

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Devin AI might look like the devil to the developers at first glance but by adopting and tweaking it to changing circumstances, it will be a go-to tool to increase productivity. Every software engineer has an exciting feeling when accomplishing an intimidating code. The fulfilling feeling of achievement and accomplishment is like finishing first in a race. Amid our aspirations, we forget how hard it is to reach the top of coding. We’ve all been there: stuck by a lousy bug that seems smarter than us, googling for hours for solutions, and finally, giving up and feeling more like a…

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As futuristic technology redefines our world day by day, the radiance of voice communication is shining even brighter with a promise, and VoiceBox AI is the spearhead of that serene future. Recall the moment you nailed that super tricky presentation at work, then started sweating at the thought of leaving a voicemail follow-up. Suddenly, you find that the lines that beforehand seemed so perfect are disappointing when spoken in, well, your voice. Or, maybe you are the person who can entertain a crowd in the showers with your singing skills, but you get chills all over just thinking about sending…

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A symphony of software quality incorporates AI and humans in a pioneering way, making innovation and user experience the main themes of tomorrow. Imagine this: you’ve invested every bit of your time and passion into developing a groundbreaking application that is likely to be the next all-time social media sensation, perhaps, or a fitness tracker that gamifies your workouts. Although it must pass the arduous testing step before you can release it to the public, it takes weeks of painstaking manual checks, hoping to uncover every bug lurking in the code. Sounds exciting, right? Not exactly. However, picture yourself differently…

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Welcome to the future where the cloud isn’t only a business tool but also a means to develop a brighter and greener planet. Do you remember the way everyone was talking about GenAI (the generative AI) last year? It was such a huge thing in tech circles! Although GenAI might seem like a revolutionary innovation, the major shift is occurring in Europe. In 2024, conversations with both cloud consumers and suppliers will generally be dominated by cloud cost optimisation and sustainability. This isn’t surprising. Organisations understand that they must not only take advantage of cloud computing but also make sure…

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As Ambient computing develops, the technology will weave itself seamlessly into the background of our lives, working hard to further improve our safety, comfort, and even personal fulfilment. Recall a scene from a spy movie in which everything is bugged? Turns out, the future of tech isn’t about flashy gadgets everyone ogles over, but a subtler, more “in the shadows” approach-ambient computing and seamless integration. Suppose, instead of hearing a loud alarm, you wake up to a soft morning glow coming from your walls. The instant you get out of bed, your coffee is perfectly brewed to your preference. It…

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Let’s raise our glasses to a better future using Edge AI and TinyML for a more convenient and fun life. Think of a situation where your toaster can tell you before the toast burns, or the headphones can adjust the noise cancellation depending on how stressed you are. That’s the future enabled by Edge AI and TinyML, the tech duo that are rewriting data processing as we know it today. These tiny wonders will not make our lives cluttered with obsolete computers and cloud connections; they will make the gadgets we use every day intelligent, right from their source. Intrigued?…

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