Author: Adarsh

Adarsh hates personal bios, Chelsea football club and Oxford commas. When he's not writing, he's busy playing FIFA on his PlayStation.

With climate change at the doorstep, Adarsh looks into the potential future of data centers Citing environmental concerns, operational costs and the need for superfast connectivity, major market players like Microsoft and Google are looking to shift their data centers underwater. A study by Datareportal earlier this year revealed that over 5 billion people around the world use the internet every day. In other words, 63.1 per cent of the world’s total population is accessing data online. The study also revealed that internet users are increasing at an annual rate of almost 4 per cent. This means that two-thirds of…

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Adarsh explores simple ways to stay safe and avoid data breaches while working remotely in a post-pandemic age When we are working from the office, the onus is on our employers to ensure that all the data and hardware is secure. But things are a bit different when we are working from home. It is now up to us to take all the right precautions to secure our office laptops and other devices. Here are 8 cyber security tips everyone can take while working remotely: Create Strong Passwords This is as basic as it gets! Considering it is our office…

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Adarsh looks into the murky area of computer monitoring software that allow employers to surveil on their employees, often without consent Jacob had a comfortable job in an IT firm that got a lot easier post Covid-19. He always loved working from home so when it became mandatory, he welcomed it with open arms. He used to finish work in half the time and had to pretend he was still occupied while he was still in office. But from home, he could do what he wanted. So he took up a couple of freelance gigs. He would do those during…

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Technology has always had a negative connotation in conversations surrounding mental health. But can it have a positive impact as well? Adarsh explores possibilities. Most folks believe technology to be a bane for the mental health of modern youth. They may have a point. The following statistics on the effects of technology on the psychological state of make for painful reading. 73% of the people who participated in a study by Etactics admitted to feeling lonely after prolonged social media usage. For every 10% rise in social media interaction, the risk of depression increases by 20%. Among the teenagers who…

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Animation has come a long way since its inception in the early 1900s. Adarsh takes a look at its evolution over the decades! Many people wrongly believe that Walt Disney made the first animated movie. While he was a stalwart who redefined the industry, animation has been around since the 1800s in the form of magic lanterns and zoetropes. But it only gained popularity in the early 1900s with its advent in cinema. Let’s look at the various eras and pioneers of the animation industry: The Silent Era (1900-1930) J. Stuart Blackton is regarded as the father of animation. He…

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With most of our time being spent working from a home setting, many apps have sprung up to make our professional life a bit easier. Adarsh reviews seven of the best of these. Let us face it! We have been working from home for over 2 years now and we have all produced our own unique methods to get work done while also tending to chores at home. But while we have been honing remote working techniques, a bunch of apps have cropped up that are meant to make life a whole lot easier… and more fun! So here are…

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As offices reopen in a post-pandemic world, hybrid onsite and remote work becomes a routine affair, reveals Adarsh Aman used to love going to work. He loved the interaction with colleagues, the banter with friends, and everything else that came with office life. When the lockdown happened in 2020, he was miserable. Working from home with two young kids around felt like a nightmare. He longed to go back to work. Two years on, we’re talking about Covid in the past tense and most companies are expecting their employees back in office. But Aman isn’t so excited anymore. He’s too…

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An Ally is someone who uses their power to champion those who are discriminated upon. In an industry like tech, it is the need of the hour, asserts Adarsh! My manager always used to start our work calls with “Good morning, guys!” A couple of months ago, however, he dropped the ‘guys’. He goes with gender-neutral terms now, like ‘folks’ or ‘y’all’ or ‘everyone’. As it turns out, it all changed when he read an article about inclusivity. It made him realize how little things like gender neutral terms can make a huge impact when it comes to making others…

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Much of computing and programming owes its inception to the effort and intelligence of path-breaking women. Adarsh recalls the contributions of some of those pioneers of progress. For an industry that is often considered as a ‘boys club’, much of the contribution to the dawn of programming and computing in fact came from women. But as is often the case, they’re not the ones history remembers. Which is why we are recounting the valuable contributions of 6 such pioneering women in the field of technology. While no such list can be exhaustive, it is meant to commemorate all the trailblazing…

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By using technology and consumer-centric solutions to address menopause, the revolution is paving the way for more female leaders in the future, writes Adarsh In the summer of 2009, Danish entrepreneur Ida Tin sat with her mobile phone in one hand and a thermometer in the other. She was noting down her temperature on an Excel sheet to maintain a chart around her period cycle. It amazed her that humans had explored technology enough to scourge the oceans and walk on the moon, and yet hadn’t managed to design an app that could track a woman’s menstruation cycle. But instead…

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