Adarsh explains how Meta’s latest project aims to revolutionize mixed reality with lightweight glasses…

Code-name Puffin!

It is believed to be Meta’s secret project to revolutionize Mixed Reality. The plan is to come up with a more compact solution to the current bulky headset which is used in Virtual Reality (VR).

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Previously, the rumours doing the rounds were based on what a couple of Meta employees had spoken off the record. But now, Meta CTO Andrew Bosworth has confirmed during a recent Q&A on his Instagram that the company is working on an alternative mixed reality device.

What is Mixed Reality

Elements of augmented reality (AR) as well as virtual reality (VR) are combined in Mixed Reality and this allows users to interact with both digital and real-world objects simultaneously. Text, graphics and other digital elements are overlayed onto real-world images through AR, which enhances what the user sees in front of them.

VR meanwhile uses computer-generated experiences to immerse the users in a completely artificial environment. By mixing these two technologies, mixed reality creates a more seamless interaction between digital and physical worlds.

Code Name Puffin

Meta’s Reality Labs division had developed the highly-anticipated Quest line of headsets but the launch did not go to plan and the company suffered heavy losses. But while the headset did not go to plan, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is firmly committed to developing VR and AR technologies. He believes that is how the world will interact with digital environments in the future.

The project, which is codenamed Muffin, is the company’s latest approach to acing Mixed Reality. The belief is that a bulky set of glasses would see a better reception by users instead of bulky headphones. According to a report, Puffin will weigh less than 110 gms, making it almost 5 times lighter than Quest headsets, which weigh around 500 gms.

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Speaking during his Q&A, Bosworth commented: “I don’t think that a mixed reality headset, even in the glasses form factor, which we’re working on, is going to disrupt the smartphone. But I do think augmented reality is going to, at some point, and we’re also working on that. But I can’t tell you the timelines.”

The Last Word

The Puffin project is an exciting glimpse into what the future holds for AR and VR. Despite the failure of the Quest headsets, Meta remains committed to the project which suggests that Mixed Reality could be the future.

While Bossworth refused to confirm a launch date, reports claimed that the glasses could make an entry into the market in late 2027.

Whether Puffin succeeds where Quest failed remains to be seen.

In case you missed:

Adarsh hates personal bios, Chelsea football club and Oxford commas. When he's not writing, he's busy playing FIFA on his PlayStation.

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